The Cat's Meow

The absurd world through the eyes of a who occasionally grumbles...


much to my dismay, the media continues to convince me that I need to write more and get something put up on stage. this has been happening for years. Whenever a playwright is shown on tv, one that is remotely edgy, all they say in their works are things like, "let's eat a turd", and other colourful bites.

Goddamnit that is just lazy. That is the easiest fucking thing one can do to try and freak people out. There is a difference between puttling a mutilated corpse in an art gallery and putting a mass of well preserved, posed muscle. You can shock people, but by god, do it in an interesting way.

This is the biggest problem with young artists. I'm not even talking high school young. I'm talking college young, and beyond. They think that they can be all clever by putting in a couple of cusses. Wow. You've officially matched South Park in terms of vulgar language. Congrats. Now let's see if you can match them in terms of content.

Content. Man that word's a bitch. Now, it's easy to constantly produce, and one needs to in order to maintain a certain level of production. Trouble pops up if you never move beyond the rote, beyond your workout routine. I'm perpetually rusty. My problem is that I look for grand concept before I produce. When I have my concept, I go with it. The trouble is that this can lead to a year elapsing between written works of mine. I'm not happy with this.

What I am happy about is that when I write something I can be happy that it's not just shock schlock. I've been told to clean up some language in a play once because it took away from the content, and the advice was warranted, heeded, and hopefully will pay off if anyone ever picks me up. Of course, this is where the schmoozing and getting in with a group comes in.

"I shot Andy Warhol" is what inspired me to rant a little bit, in spite of a good case of the chest deaths. The protagonist is that activistic "I'm full of shit" kind of artist. You know, the kind that you find in a place like Williamsburg. Oh shit. I think I live there now. Whoops.

Brooklyn: way overrated mecca of independent thought and culture. Ideally, this is where liberated youths go to discover themselves and find out something about life, love, and the Russian way, as the American way is way too mainstream and played out. And besides, the USSR is funny now. But the neighborhood is really full of people that think they are the hottest shit on the planet. Or at least this is how I read it. You find people that are relaxed, who have jobs that are fairly normal, who are down to earth. We call these the uncool people, the ones that are looked down upon by the people wearing the tight pants and the properly torn shirts. We call these creatures hipsters. They irk me to no end. They take up space, act like they own the fucking world, and really, will not contribute anything substantial to humanity based solely on the fact that they are too enthralled by their own interpretations of overwraught theories on human nature to actually contribure to society. To drag themselves from their masturbatory caves of solitude would shatter their mystical bubbles of coolness, and break the amulet of aloofness. They really are worse than those guys who used to try and wash your windshield at every stop light. At least those guys showed ambition and drive. These kids just provide a welcome home for cocaine and bad intentions.

And besides, like any counter culture, their style is played out. Let us wear sneakers in peace. Though I must say that the quasi hipster girls can be quite cute, if you like ultra snobby types who are less responsive than an amputated leg.

More to come. God knows how accurate this all is, but if you don't live here, take it as the work and word of God, because that's what it is.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the rant. Miss you. So does the guy I live with.
<3 Nat

5:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOWZA! I liked this post and give it A++++. Am moving to the city in the next 4 months with a friend from Ridgefield. He says we should consider Jersey City and I screamed in horror so I'm counting on you for your opinion on neighborhoods, brokers, rent expectations etc.

2:40 PM  

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