The Cat's Meow

The absurd world through the eyes of a who occasionally grumbles...


The black bear was looking up at that sky, looking at a cloud perhaps.
I think that he and a deer were saying hello to each other.
They decided to have tea in the middle of a highway.
The deer had his reservations.
"My dear sir Bear. Why have you chosen such a dangerous place for our monthly meeting?"

The bear, to the annoyance of the Deer, did not return the call. The deer decided to go to the meeting anyway, bringing shortbread. The bear was in a bad mood to begin with, and was sassing the deer.

"Oh, shortbread. How nice.", said the bear.
"You like shortbread. You've always liked shortbread!", moaned the deer.
"Well, you know that, but seriously, it's always shortbred! Why not something else for once?"
"Like what?"
"Well, coffee cake..."
"I got you coffee cake that one time! You just sat there saying, "This would be nice if we met for coffee every month!""
"Oh please!"
"Oh please what!"

Then, as the deer had feared, a massive truck came barrelling down the highway. Red and silver, it smashed through there table throwing the table into the woods. The poor bear saw his close friend, the deer, torn in half in front of his face. Before him was only the back part of his closest friend in the world. He had no idea where the face he loved for all those years went, where his forbidden love had gone.

His heart felt heavy. Why was his life spared while his friend was taken? This couldn't be happening. Why had he decided to have tea on a highway? Why was he so stupid! He should have returned that call. They could have gotten together in the woods, or on the dam, or something. They could have kissed and made up, away from the rest of the world, but foolish pride had blinded him to the flaw in his ways. For a bear, he was awfully pig headed.

So the bear saw some berries. The bad kind. They were black as his fur. He knew what they would do. He had nothing else to be there for, to be on earth for. He was done. He ate them. He ate the whole bush. He wandered over to the road, on the opposite side of his deer, and he took his place on the ground, staring to the heavens where he knew his love awaited him.

That's how we found them on I-80 in Pennsylvania. Lovers lost on a lonely highway.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is a humorous and entertaining twist on that random bear/deer sighting in 80. Wonder what really happened? Guess we'll never know.

Stay well,


10:19 PM  

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