The Cat's Meow

The absurd world through the eyes of a who occasionally grumbles...


been hanging about staying up late with nothing much going on.
that's less than a week out of college.
not bad.

on a bit of a downer note, the comments that i had set up seem to have vanished. i'm going to try and figure out why, but not tonight. I am actually tired, and it's before 3. I'm going soft in my old age.

I also must report that my alcohol consumption is way down since leaving school, as is my activity level. I think i'm going to start walking places now. I mean, i need to do something active, right? never been one for the gym, but man, i'm going a little crazy with this lack of activity. I grow flabbier by the day, something which i hoped to put off (in large amounts) until my late 30s. never been in great shape, but man, i feel like i'm in terrible shape now. and it's only been 4 days. it's all in my head.

next week will be good though, and by good i mean awesome. road trips. Indiana. Ohio. Places in between. I can't wait. I've never seen the midwest. I want to ride a cow, or at least take a picture with one. A funny picture that I can post on the facebook or myspace, to let all the people i went to school with know that I am indeed still alive and cahorting with cows.

ok, sleep.



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