The Cat's Meow

The absurd world through the eyes of a who occasionally grumbles...


love people are there, the smell of love, it's everywhere
why must you be sensitive and good
why don't you want to be understood?

thinking. A girl said that she is a cliche while looking at a job, and that just stuck with me. I stare now, with a grin on my face, wondering why it has. I think that we are all really just cliches. We have at least a thousand people just like us going for the same job, so why try? I say, why not? We have nothing to lose, at all. We have only things to gain, so trying is not really a risk, but a formality. Rejection, I have learned, is a part of life, and something that we all must live and love with, and get over. It should not bother us much, but let us learn about life, and what we have to look forward to. What do I mean? I mean we can look forward to NOT being rejected, in any mean.

Maybe, I'll grab them. I meant that about some cds, originally, but now maybe I mean it about life. What have I to lose? WHat have we all to lose. Nothing. I am amazed now, how I pound away at this keyboard, out of my mind on things that one should not injecst (nothing illegal mom), but wanting to go for it all. The future, it holds so much. Why not? WHY NOT?

So go for it.

Really, as I type I am like a man laughing at nothing. I grin at the letters appearing as they come. each one holds a world of possibility, of change, within itself. I look to them for surprise and hope, wondering where they will take me. I look to that, to the mispelled and misplaced word or letter, and wonder why it's there. I will type the next sentence without revision. Why do the people in my life seem to come in go and my mind? Why do they love and leave so recklessly? Why do they play with each other, and why to play games? My grammare and spelling have lost steps, but my feeling is true. I worry about hte games that people play with each other. I want to just come out and be clear about everything that I have ever felt, but life does not let you do such things, to live with such luxuries. IT's a cruel game that we play, living in lies, wandring in lusts that may lead to love. We don't know where anything will take us, but we go, and we try, and we fail, or suceed. We must try, for we have nothing left to lose.

SO read this, know that it is coming from a failed poet of life, know that it is coming from my heart, or very near it, and live with that, and think that YOU have NOTHING AT ALL to lose in your life when you try anything. Always fight that way. You can't lose if you think you have things of not in your corner. GO WITH IT!

Travel, love, leave, try to love, lose, hate, it's all the same. It's life, it's a story, and if you don't try, then you've lost. It takes a person of great character to try, to stop caring about the self, and you must! You must try that, and this, and risk, nothing or all, whatever you feel it is! JUST DO SOMETHING! Do not stagnate, do not sit! We are young and we can try anything that we want, when we don't have to think about the reprocussions we can live without worry and try and reach those that we think we may love, or try that thing that we may hate. It's all in us. The magic of life is in you. There is no other magic than what we bring. Make it up, and go with it, but that is beauty, and that is the thing that we all must strive towards, that we all must try to get. Beauty, love, life.

Live it. Love it. Be happy, sad, but live, that's all that I ask of you, live, and let me know how it works out, how your life goes. Love who you love, who you want. Love, in my mind, is the thing to live for, only for it, and to find it is the finest thing that one can do, can live. To be inlove, to be with a person you love, is greater than anything else that one my feel, than pain, than hate, than death itself. It lifts you up like nothing else, and slams you like only it can. It is the single most powerful weapon on earth, and oh how I chase it.

To love, to live, is diving, live to love, love to live, and live in this time, for you, for everyone, and live to live life, without worry of what you may or may not miss or do...just live.



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