The Cat's Meow

The absurd world through the eyes of a who occasionally grumbles...


So I am single again, after 2.5 years. It was expected by me, so it really isn't hitting as hard as it should be. It was kind of a mutual thing. We both saw the end coming, and we accepted it. We hope to be friends, after a month or so apart. Safer that way.

Going to see the Last Samurai tonight at 10...should be good.
I met Paul's 34 year old japanese girlfriend, or womanfriend. She's nice. It's very funny, as she tries to keep up with the conversation, and then when she looks lost Paul translates to her. It also helps that Paul, Colin, and my Charles (my brother) are pretty much fluent. An example:

me: so what did you think of the Matrix?
Colin: It sucked.
Paul: It was ok.
(Shizumi looks confused)
Paul: Matrix-oo
Shizumi: Ahhhhh!

Pretty much a night of that, but it was fun. We watched a lot of things on the internet, funny things, which was, well, funny and fun.

Ok, here's the injury report for people I know:
Mom- broken arm
Erica (cousin) - muscle injuries due to car accident
Shannon - Friction burn and bruises from car accident
Paul's Family - dead old people
Trevor's family - dead family friend

THe last two aren't injuries, per se, but they do add something. You can also add my breaking up with shannon to that list, my cousin Franks new (used) 3000GT dying, and ummm...something else. There was something else, but I've forgotten it. Oh well.

HAPPY! (just for you Sarah!)

So I might go to Japan, and I am going to Westwood at somepoint. Scheduling is a lot easier without a girlfriend, so times are flexible. One way or the other, I will go somewhere over break.

I want to ride a horse...they're really cute in the winter. They get all shaggy. Dusty too, but it looks very cool.


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