The Cat's Meow

The absurd world through the eyes of a who occasionally grumbles...


"Over an hour never let bloodstains dry!"

Wow, what a weekend, to say the least, quite a change from the last one. This was a lot better, less death involved. No disease either, to speak of. Friday was a chill night with a few folks, but the festivities (sober) extended into the early hours of the morning, to the tune of 6.30 am. Wow. The place was a mess.

The post before this one is related. Pete makes obscene amounts of money working for the campus, so he purchased close to $100 worth of snack foods. Myself and some people made an effort to eat much on Friday, but it was too much. Friday saw the debut of the Moxie bomb. For those who don't know, Moxie is a soft drink from Maine that originated as a tonic in the late 1800s, and became a soda after the FDA cleaned up the whole tonic mess. So cutting ahead to 2004, we combined this lovely drink, which tastes like cinammon when you first drink it, but then takes a sharp right towards the land of motor oil, with Jagermeister.

The Jager cut the taste of the Moxie.
That was frightening.

Saturday rocked me. HARD. To preface it though, I had a string of bad luck. 3 things happened, so I was due for a good day (great aunt died, squash racquet broke, and my NFL game stopped working, no scratches on the disc or anything). So the day begins quite late, and basically evolves into me hanging out at harvestfest for a bit, then grabbing Ferry for football. Well, the football got stolen out of Nat's car (Brian lost it, methinks...) but that took a while. Chris and I won, but I jammed my finger hardcore. Post sports, Robert's AWESOME parents treated a bunch of us orphans to dinner. It was great, to say the least, and I really liked them. Nice people. Skipping ahead a bit, after a trip to Target, I went to a Depression Party in Wright Dorm, followed by the MOBROC show.

No to digress.

The people that we usually party with all are in bands. This makes things difficult. To rectify this, we had a party at 2 am.

Back on topic, the show went really well aside from one kid getting slammed into the ground face first by his friend (a KO). I picked up Phil, got picked up by Josh, and then Adam, and then Pete and Zack (I believe). I spent many hours at that show, and I had a fabulous time. I was riding high as high could be, even though I wanted to talk to a certain someone, and I was unable to.

Then fate kicked my ass, much like Wesley Willis would probably do to me if I ever met the man.

The party happened and it went well, it was low key, and I enjoyed it. New people came, and it just felt right. Chill. People had just played music and were unwinding. And she was there. I was worried for a bit, but as to not be too creepy, I just want to say that I was successful in finally talking to this person that I had admired from afar, and was mightily impressed with the glimpses of her intellect that I saw.

Cool. That and she stayed at the apartment for a while, which earns her cool points.

I smiled for a few hours after she left.

"Someday we'll be old
and we'll do funerals like every single day
oh yeah
and we'll see the children laughin
and you'll think how you wore shades 'cause you won't cry
and you go hit the weissen
cause people die"


(lyrics provided by the fine people @ Travis Morrison. Travis Morrison: giving me lyrics and music to write to since October 2nd)


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