The Cat's Meow

The absurd world through the eyes of a who occasionally grumbles...


Oh yeah! Forgot to say that I played hockey tonight, and I didn't die, though I have some scratches from my equipment...when you leave leather for 2 years, it gets hard and scratchy, and my gloves are leather. THat was fun, but seriously, the hockey was a lot of fun. I was winded after the warmup, but lasted a good 40 minutes in dire shape. My technique was sloppy, and I let in numerous bad goals, but that's ok. I played, it was fun, and I'm going to be playing every sunday until I go back to school, maybe even during the week.


1) DEC. 30: Got to the city with my brother and friends; sing karaoke, which will be strange, as i will most likely be the only sober one at the party. That means one thing though: I'm driving.
2) New Years
A) Go to mike's house in New Jersey and sit around while other people get drunk.
B) Hang out with my borther and his friends, play RISK with them while they get drunk.
C) Fenagle something with Sarah

Ok, for New Years: Options B and C are looking the best. I like my friends, but they are not terribly chill people. They like to destroy things when they get drunk. I like to create, not destroy, wantonly. I like my brother's friends. Very smart people, not that my other friends aren't, but these guys are the kind of people that you can talk philosophy with while at the same time making fun of a bad Godzilla movie. THat and I haven't seen the Right Reverend Hoagie Choi in a long, long time, and it would be good to see him. I like him a lot. I like all my friends a lot. THat's why they are friends. I would love to go up to see Sarah then, but I have the feeling that it's probably not going to happen. I would love to do things with her though, but it will take some planning, and i have a plan. I would like to get a bunch of folks together and just have a shindig. See Sarah, see people from school, a bit of a road trip. It's looking up.

Wow, my ass really hurts from hockey. Must've gotten hit with a puck or something, but I am a goalie, so it makes sense.

Ok, to sleep now.


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