The Cat's Meow

The absurd world through the eyes of a who occasionally grumbles...


I have a monster english paper to do, limited time due to movie making, and what stands in my way the most? The lack of a topic. Everything that I think of is either being done by others, or not relevant. It's starting to get to the point where I am losing hope in this project. I need to talk about intertextuality, but how? How do I work it in?

Maybe I've got it.

Ok. In both The Hours the movie as well as the book and HoD and Apoc Now the climaxes are altered significantly. What does this mean? Why was it done? Is it because of the medium, or is it to evoke a different sort of emotion from the audience, change the ending for the new time that the work will exist in?

That probably won't work either. This whole intertext thing blows my mind...I'm really stuck.

Paper topic the first: a paper comparing dalloway to the hours to the movie the hours and how and why particular scenes were changer to evoke certain emotions.

that one got shot down. Grr. Stuck like a truck in some muck. It's good to think it out in one form or another though.

Did I mention that this is 15 pages and due on friday by 3 pm?


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