The Cat's Meow

The absurd world through the eyes of a who occasionally grumbles...


So i went to japan, survived. It's an interesting place, to say the least. I don't really love it like the world wants me to, and I don't really want to talk about it. I kept a travelouge, and I'll try to sum up the experience here, soon. Maybe writing it would make it more manageable.

The reason that I'm posting now, after all this time, is because I'm at my wit's end. I wrote a play over winter break, not a long one, about 29 pages. This play was very dear to me, and I really put a lot of the emotions that I was feeling into it. Whenever I would work on it, I would be physically as well as mentally exhausted, it was so close to me. And I finished it today. I went through the entire thing, and edited it the way that I think it works. I'm still going to have some people read it and take some feedback, but for now, it's done. If I wanted to, and could find people, I feel like I could put it up somewhere. There is one catch: the file for it has been deleted from my computer. So I'm left with the hardcopy, the program with which I wrote it, but minus the CD that I need to work said program. I am drifting further and further up shit's creek, minus my good friend, senior paddello, made of Mexican Oak, a tree which I just thought up.

I want this thing to be done, to move on to new projects. I feel alive again, creative, vibrant, colourful. I want to use that, but now I am actually stifled. At least I have the hardcopy, which is going to be kept VERY safe, as it is the only record that I have of my work, my soul on paper.

That's dramatic, but then again, it is a play. A play on words.



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