The Cat's Meow

The absurd world through the eyes of a who occasionally grumbles...


"Sitting for lunch in a square in this town (this town that I'm new to),
new fellow from my new town sat me down and explained it to me:
how when I spin from him I spin from myself,
the center can double the speed of the crust.
Thank you, my treacherous friends.
I'm cringing for myself when I cringe for you."

I think that a girl is fetching, so I am told, by people that I can trust, but do not know as well as one would like to know people that they do not really know all that well. The sources, however, are reliable enough, but the content that was delivered by said sources defies the source, the authenticity that I would bring to my own words. Who exactly describes someone as fetching. There isn't anything really wrong with that term, mind you, but I don't really use it, unless joking. Not to intend serious meaning, I avoid using the word, or similar vocabulary, until I want to envoke a semi comedic tone in my wording.

(I am feeling very wordy right now, and probably am not using half the words that I am employing in the proper way. A shame really, as I wish that I could be this wordy all the time, but sound intelligent.)

But will the adventure of a lifetime, the playful hunt that is having a crush backfire on our focus? Who the hell knows. All I do know, and that really isn't much, is that this is just part of life, and a whole lot of fun.

On another note, I am probably feeling the best, overall, that I have ever felt in my life. Who knew?

Tim is disenfranchised, Josh is minus a Nami, Sarah and Robert are together, Elly is fretting over chili, Erika is Erika, and Brian and Nat are still rocking the casbah.

Somewhere along the line, things ended up semi-right with the world. Through intention or folly (or both) something happened, some stars aligned, and things are really going nicely.

Except for my thesis. Kind of fucked on that one. Not fucked, but it's going to be an uphill battle. On the bright side, I have until October 13th to put together my proposal to the IRB, and until Friday to have a draft of my proposal ready for Prof. Ganti. I really hope I don't have to abandon my project. That would ruin my good streak, but at the same time it wouldn't ruin it TOO much.


(lyrics by OKGO...check them totally out at



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