The Cat's Meow

The absurd world through the eyes of a who occasionally grumbles...


Made of plastic and elastic he is rugged and long lasting...who could ever ask for more? Love without complications galore!

The snow is making me feel sentimental. Falling so freely, without nervous systems or thoughts, they flutter to earth, all unique, yet just a mass. They become indistinguishable from each other, and just are transformed from being beautiful to bland. They are trampled underfoot and shoveled. The beauty that they once gave to the world is lost, and they become a curse. They become troublesome, unwanted by the world and by me.

I always am sort of somber when it snows, somber and sentimental. I think of love in the snow. I think of walking past all the lights with someone I love. Snow becomes magical when illuminated by streetlamps. It dances and twirls around the beacon thrust up high into the air, it becomes a million moths fluttering to the light. It's is one of the singularly most wonderful things that one can witness. In storms like this the nights become full of beauty. I could walk through the night forever, just looking at the wonders that abound. I would never be bored, only lonely, and wanting to share this thing with someone else.

Well, now that you know, will you look? Will you wander? Will you stop for a minute and think about the little treat that this storm is giving you? It rarely snows these days, so I never get to see this anymore, but I get to see it now. It's like a sphere of light containing many sparkling flakes. Though obvious, it reminds me of a massive snowglobe. It is wonderous like those little knicknacks used to be. It is just pleasing to me.

Maybe we'll take a walk in the snow, anyone who reads this, and maybe we'll appreciate it. Most likely not. We'll think of how cold we are, or how we have things to do, how we should be doing things, how we aren't doing things. We'll think of everything else in the world that we can and we won't be able to appreciate this very simple thing that has been put before us. I don't believe in a god, or anything of that sort, but this storm is a blessing for letting me see this sight at least one more time.

In another note, amid my rantings about how wonderous life can be (though manic me will follow this with something depressing soon, trust me), school is coming back together, and to be honest I am really glad to see so many people. There are some people that I am not happy to see at all, and in fact, I'm not going to see them this semester because if I keep seeing them I will tell them just how I feel about them. I'm streamlining my life. I can't afford to bullshit myself by dealing with people that I don't like or care about at this point. There is so little time left here that I am feeling the stress. Something has got to give, and you are it. Not all of you, not most of you. If you feel something cold and icy from me, it is you, and I'm sorry to say it, but I think it would be better for both of us if we just passed each other in the night, akin to ships. Sorry to break it to you, if you think it's you.

About the last rant: if you think it's you, and you're worried, or whatever, IM me or something. In fact, this probably won't matter to anyone, myself included, but it was in my mind and needed to be said.

I can write anything that I want now, except what I need to do. Thesis, you are the enemy, and I will conquer you come hell or high water. Or snow.

On another note, I had a great night with Dana, Sarah, Jess, and Robert. It's amazing how fun watching a movie can be after you've been triple teamed in a snow war. Ah yes, the warmth of hot chocolate when combined with a film makes everything just good. Kahlua helps too.

As the wind howls outside, so do I, inside.


(way too dramatic in my own mind tonight)


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