The Cat's Meow

The absurd world through the eyes of a who occasionally grumbles...


Been a while...but i'll just say this:

I had a good night. I got to hang out with John and Mark, barhopping, going around CT and NY looking for intoxication. I was the designated driver. In the course of the night I was hit by a snowball thrown by a bartender, which earned us a free round, lost a few games of fussball, and drove my drunk friends around. It was fun to be with them, but tiring. At the end of the night we went to Stop and SHop. They were stumbling into boxes, stacked high, and toppling these mammoth constructs like oh so many walls before a flood. I was watching out for them, or trying to, but I misjudged something. John, who is usually on the side of reason, was drinking on pace with Mark. Mark is usually not on the side of reason, so I was watching his intake and not John's. John is about my height, heavier (muscle), while Mark is 6 foot 1 inch and weighs about 170lbs. I learned what happens when someone my size drinks a lot of beer.

They get hammered.

John was drunker than I have ever seen before, way beyond the point of oblivion. He was doing the stereotypical drunken stumble, the one so oft replicated in movies, the dockworker's dance. He was responding subconsciously to things that were said to him, not making any sense, yet appearing coherent. Then we drove home, with him strapped to the seat, upright. We forgot about him until we heard an ominous gurgling noise, followed by what sounded like water dripping, like in one of those zen fountains, serenity coming out of John's mouth. Only it was not serenity, it was vomit, and it was in my car. A pit stop at Mark's allowed it to be cleaned, but now my car smells like McDonalds, for some reason, which smells like vomit.

Stupid me.

So now I smell of vomit, and my stomach is turning. I sit before this screen exhausted, wanting to see people that are far away, and not consume alcohol. There is a lot of hassle involved in consumption, and at this moment, I do not want to deal with it. My car. That's really my mobile home, my space, and it has been violated. It's not really a big thing, I mean, it was a good friend of mine, but it still is not pleasant.

Sleep will be very good to me. Tomorrow, I write my PoMo paper properly. Right now, I pass out, and not from beverages, but from exhaustion. I've been sleeping at ridiculous hours as of late, and honestly, I want to just feel good tomorrow. Today.



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