The Cat's Meow

The absurd world through the eyes of a who occasionally grumbles...


First post in a while

While my lifestyle here has been socially active, I do really appreciate having an empty saturday night. There is something really relaxing and artistically amazing about walking down empty streets.

It really makes you realize how easy it is to find oneself alone in the small bastard island of Manhattan. You know that there are many other people doing what you're doing, but you really don't care all that much. You just want to do something to keep from being bored. I can appreciate this. I've been feeling far too occupied as of late, and having a little alone time with nothing to do but enjoy a beer and write is really a reward in itself.

The rat still persists, that little bastard needs to die.

Still single am I, but feeling good about the scene here. It's a nice place to be, but I wouldn't want to visit.

Suddenly, I'm feeling uninspired. The words are not coming smoothly, but very jerky like. It's not something that I enjoy. I guess it's like playing an instrument. You don't use it, you lose it. Hopefully this marks the beginning of me using this whole writing thing more.



I think we have rats...
