The Cat's Meow

The absurd world through the eyes of a who occasionally grumbles...


Screw kid I've got nothing going. Think I'll move to Finland or some other cold place, then to the desert. It'll be like icing/heating a bad ankle.

This is a sick society. People are reactionary and dumb. They read to much into things, and not enough into others.

"Oh a troop surge is bad." Duh. It's a bad thing, it's a bad time. Learn from Vietnam, in all ways. If you're going to pull out of a situation that you fucked up, at least clean house a bit before you do so. That way the government can try to instill some order before crumpling when you pull out the carpet. I hate the war. My cousin flew a helicopter in it while his 2 little girls wondered where daddy was. Thing is we're in the shit now. We can't just pull out, we can't go on. We need to establish some form of order THEN leave. This is where troops come in. It's counter intuitive, but it makes sense. Let the underage drinkers actually go after the men that are doing the most harm, and try and settle this thing up some. We've made a nasty bed. We might as well change the sheets before we make the independent nation of Iraq sleep in it.

Oh, and Dems: make up your fucking mind about something. Don't be stupid. We've had enough of that over the past few years. We need GOOD leadership, not people fucking around with each other trying to show how morally superior they are. Don't play the partisan game, don't fall into that trap.

I swear the longer I live here the more I want to get out. But then it's everywhere. Bickering, racism, stupidity, monotony. It never ends. Really, what is the point? What is the point at all?

We're really slaves to a society that doesn't love us, that doesn't value us at all. What we do on a day to day basis does not matter. Will the world end if I don't enter my data? Will the world end if little Jimmy fails his test? NO. None of this matters, not one bit. How did we become so sick? Where talking heads tell us what to think and we consume what is offered? How did we become so ill that the only way we really feel anything is through a box and flickering lights? There is hope for us, for life, but not much. This blog is just another cog in the machine, just another way of keeping us drawn in. There is much contradiction to be found.

Personally, all I want is a dog and the desert. Creature comforts. To write. To be engaged in a good conversation about something more than the weather. To have that would make me happier than all the PS3s and money filled suitcases in the world.

Angrily yours, but never to be,
